World beautiful places

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World beautiful places

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pangolin strikes back, episode 25

many more time later, here we are still struggling with the virus.

and the mood is changing. on one side those telling ‘complot!’ and watching tv, on the other side those telling ‘you are misled’ and watching the internet.

so what ? all are afraid of the virus. so what is the point at this teologic fight ?

but, there is a ‘but’: people watching the internet tend to outnumber those watching tv. so a paradygm change is at work, and watch out for future brutal changes !

the time of internet is coming and it s going to be much more devastating than the virus.

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cher pacte finance climat…

où est en fait le pacte côté finances?

les zones oceaniques de reproduction des baleines sont elles connues, le veux t on, et protegees?

les moratoires serieux au niveau commission européenne sont ils ne serait ce qu évoqués ?

les importqtions de bois de forets primaires continuent a rapporter plus par leurs taxes ,

le soja d Amazonie n’est en aucun cas ne serait ce que mentionné auprès des consommateurs de viandes  (qui reagiraient alors),  alors que l europe a le droit d instaurer une gouvernance ecologique.

ne continue t on pas a faire semblant. on est tres tres loin des recommandations d aurelien barrau là. on ne fait mm pas mine de les prendre en considération.

les plus grandes nation maritimes  (F et UK) ‘disposent’ des territoires marins, eh bien agissez maintenant , pour proteger cette planete

les origines des biens de consommation: mettre un flashcode qui donne acces a un petit film (verifiable) expliquant le processus total de fabrication.  alimentation, textile, informatique, … soyons creatifs dans les outils pour arreter cette hypocrisie de non information du consommateur  (qui soit disant peut savoir….)


je soihaiterai que vous soyez un peu moteur pour bouger les codes, etre disruptifs comme ils disent. et non pas rester dans le moule trop confortable pour tous.

en fait je me demande s il ne serait utile pour la ’cause’ ecologie, de montrer des exemples concrets , d en faire,  et de les mettre en lumiere serieusement. montrer que le pacte finance climat ca marche. je suis moi meme tres surpris que dans tout ce brouhaha médiatique il n’y ai pas lombre dexemple forts et reels visibles, mm pour des gens qui s’y intéressent  (???)

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Pangolin strikes back – Episode I, II, III,

17th, march 2020, confining day in France today. What is happening in that country ? Remember, lets go back a few month,

Incredulity looking at chinese closing such big cities. what are they again doing ?

Incredulity when looking at north italian getting sick. can’t they organize themselves?

How populations worldwide informed and overflowed by images just cannot react.

…and the wave just goes on, one country after another, during spring sunny week ends with every one on beaches and cafés.

Let’s go voting to elect town mayors in France. « you don’t dare cancelling elections or we’ll call for antidemocratic dictatorial govnmt »!

well, let’s have a look in 2 months, just to see where the democracy get stranded !

Confining people, that’s again liberty! i don’t care! liberty first !

In any cases it’s all govnmt fault ! c’est la lutte finale, … no it’s just a virus ! but a big big fucking one !


So, what’s next ? economic crash first ?

or social revolt first ? and where ? in suburbs where life is even more difficult, or in leftist hands for principles against money makers (these principles are not fully wrong by the way).

You know what? at the end the money will (and already started to) flee to different hidden paradises, out of reach from where it would be the most helpfull. deeply hidden in financial tricks created by russian, middle eastern,  chinese and …. surely Wasp olygarchy. (who said that’s based on christian (p)protestant holy bible?)

And the revolts will hurt those staying there, the big majority.

SIDERATION is growing, discovering the true face of the epidemic.

This week has been the 1st confined week. one out of 8 at least. SIDERATION. how can they cope with this in suburbs, appartmts, with childrens, …and hospitals?

and they start getting ill. at home. nope, there is no reason to go to hospital, there is no place by the way, there is even no one to answer you on the phone, all is saturated. only important clinical cases are being considered. please call later. SIDERATION

Taking medical trains from one end of the country to the other.

Army is coping with, first line going to the front, second line preparing for when first line will get sick, reservist on the way, and everybody’s waiting for masks, masks and masks.

1 million are coming soon, but we need 20 millions a day. mask are valid for 4 hours. SIDERATION.

how come ?

Planet fights back !  ? Pangolin strikes back ! is that one of the first big earth breathe ? exhausted earth, too crowded, need for space. no, it’s a big big fucking virus.

Week 1 is over. still 7 to come. financial experts try to keep our ostrich heads in the sand. no worries. you’ll be fine. money is fleeing…somewhere.

The digital economy built under our feet cracks like a frozen lake at the end of winter.

First 《《gongs》》 resound.

no worries, it’ll be fine. thousands of airplanes are stored all along taxiways. states are ‘giving’ money, paying wages, … how come? they have no money ! they all are already penniless. no worries, it’ll grow again.

《《gongs》》 resound. We’re still all on the frozen lake.

there are few places ashore only, in case it fully cracks. watch out !!!!!


Week 2 begins. India confines its population. whaouww again. SIDERATION again.


and suddenly, one month after eruption here, 3 months after very first eruption in China, one starts to discover that we do not need masks (except nursing staff) but gloves and hand precautions. Interconnected world, but nobody listens or analyzes.

and now, slowly, real figures are coming out. official numbers are not reality. Populations will now starts to have the vision of what is coming. So far it helped containing fear. As we nears the epidemic optimum, need is to allow the truth. So we think, but just remember that, 3 weeks ago, the epidemic optimum was announced for end of April, that is in … 5 weeks time !

and no one looks at China. supposedly reopening, living again. but schools are still closed, 3 months after the begining. Singapore is still strugling, Japan and Korea no one knows over here. Olympics are postponed, that’s it. Tour de France is at stake. but that’s in July ! uh oh ?

Lets look toward NY, more mediatic, so mediatic. Lets look toward next year, as it may come back. Do not look straight ahead at what is coming NOW.

No, we keep our office job@home tightely in our arms as it was a life buoy. Trying to keep meaning in what we do. And it has meaning when it comes to provide services and intellectual occupations to thousands of ‘students’. Could it be the right approach, the time it takes the tsunami to cross through our lives ? maybe. see you later, let’s have a drink and talk about it.

Week 2 isn’t over yet. 4 days to go. it’ s going to be long, very long.

« l’affaire n’est pas finie » as whe say in french (meaning ‘strong unexpected consequences may develop’)

in this blog, no modification of written senences, just adding new ones as time goes on.

So here it is, the 2nd confined weekend, resting a bit after homeworking difficultly the whole week. ‘resting’ ‘staying’ ‘being’, so unusual, never been that static before. And computers, the saviors, the opening toward the family, friends, Whatsapp anytime, poping up with jokes, epidemic curves, recommandations,… and all these video chating softwares.

Stuningly the world wide network resist in front of the increase of streaming connections. Let’s cross fingers ! at least that’s the good news.

Back to figures…. not any prediction clearly written, what a strange thing. That’s all about mathematics, statistics,  easy to compute, even on a paper. You know how many there are, how many each statistically infects others, and so on… an Imperial college paper computes all that, and gives trend, .. we are still very far from them.

The john hopkins university figures are the only ones published, but they look serious. And when we use them, we are now in France at day 20, 2000 death. Italy is at day 30 and 10000 death. When you just extend the curve a little, it gives for France, in 20 days, 20 000 death, in 40 days (may, 10th) 60 000 death ( yes sir). The curve depend of possibly new findings (e.g. BCG vaccine seems usefull, that’s the good news of today), which could flatten it interestingly. be positive.

This means April will be difficult. and May should start to see hopefull messages. Well chinese numbers were hidden from the begining, that’s it. 2 days to go to finish the second week of confinement….


EPISODE III, (censorship)

Week 3.  full vision of coming weeks is now clearly there.

Here we are. And we are in the hard part. So let’s change curves and statistics in order to get positive vision. The trend is not anymore the nb of dead but last week résumé instead. Real dead figures are not so much visible. Starting speaking of the end of the tunnel.

week 4. statistic curves and numbers keep changing shape in order not to frighten people too much. very few reporting tell what’s going on in hospitals. You’ll eventualy learn that if you remove oxygen inhalators, the virus crushes the lumbs (squeezes) within seconds.

And at the same time the economic world is ‘inside the hole and still digging’.

Listening fresh92.7 from Adélaï’s night overthere, good rock music non-stop. Many people must be on www, Facebook,  whatshapp (facebook owned), Netflix, … It helps the whole world.

The bad curve is bending down here, ‘plateauing’ (strange english word, rather a french one), slowly. not much improvment expected for the next two weeks.

And at the same time the economic world is ‘inside the hole and still digging’ (« il est fada » in local expressions). State money is flooding, but millions of lost jobs will not be paid for, so double band effect is to happen (financial? revolts? banks mortgages?)


week 5, week 6. tik tak tik tak. ‘An opening doors’ incantation let evryone see the light in less than ten days.  Hope is back and the world might wait. Still digging at the same time. It is said that half the world work force might get unemployed after that. half !?

As sure as real death rates are not given (for which sake?), real economic figures are also hidden. ‘Hidden figures’, what a great film. They sent them to the moon !

How do we get to the next positive step ? who decides ? a strong acceleration toward a more techno society is at work. Tracking, mass production, autonomous mode. Danger is that we might forget being humans, even not seing our loss of humanity for good.




Week 8. « Endlich »

3 months had gone. none of the above-mentionned episodes came forth so far. in fact it’s going to be on a much longer scale. remember 1929, war broke out in 1939.

and the mood is now to speak about the « world after ». bla bla bla. true action not yet visible. reading again Aurelien Barrau, we are far from a correct move for this planet.

a trip to planet Mars….we succeeded in colonization of planet Earth…euh ?…. no, we are on the way to fail. where is the International Agency for Earth? it is supposed to be UNO or European parliament, but that’s not true. these are administrations dedicated for human expansion on Earth.

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River cleanup solution!


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Sustainable . message-to-cop24-france-inter

8 ideas for planet preservation & people’s social improvment

Chère France inter, LaREM, and others, for each single item I wrote, I see no beginning of a hint of moving in the good direction in our french state and society.

I don’t even see  clues leading to think that medias, politics, industrials, financials, engineering schools, … have a true wish to progress.

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I’m not an economist but it’s time for the economy to become ecologist.


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Nationale 7

7:20 pm, night fell.

In the middle of the countryside.

Driving on Nationale 7. A car, a driver, a car, a driver, a car, a driver, …. over five kilometers, driving eastward, quietly, a la queue-leu-leu. For sure, there must not be any fuel price increase ! 🙂

At least, here, there are no Platanes on the road side, and no gutter either.

From time to time a boar intervene. « BOUM ».


Ahh, these TER PACA, which never arrive, never exist, which renovate their railways, no, their single railroad tracks.  XXI st century here we are! Guess Cezanne got more train schedules at the turn of XX th century.

Ahh these motorways overwhelmed by traffic, nevertheless keeping the 130 km/h limit active, okay sometimes lowering down to 110km/h (even 90km/h ! a nightmare). Everybody’s stuck anyway. Ever heard of traffic regulation system ? « Ahh no, but it’s Big Data time now Mister ». Big what ?

……c’est la vie……

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aux armes, aux armes, …et nous allons gagner !

dormez braves gens devant vos match de foot, dormez tout va bien.

2 matchs par jour, on occupe le bas peuple, on poursuit la coupe du monde.

pendant ce temps sur arte, les cornes d ivoire que se payent lzs riches nabab, les chutes de la bourse  , non, non, tout va bien, on va bizn tout planquer , la finance s en occupe, zinquiétez pas. toujours plus de milliard extraits de la planete, toujours plus d ultra riches et de capitalisation. non, non, faut pas depolluer Le transport maritime, ca ralentirait l économie, les benefs,etc…

allez voter,  ecolo ou extreme deoite, comme en Bavière et au Brésil, tant que c est pas les insoumis,  l’economie est sauvee,  …enfin surtout le POGNON !

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schmetterling butterfly papillon



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When Kangaroo Island got a french name

Have a zoom on coastal namings, circa 1802


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